The U.S. Maritime Transportation System (MTS) is a sophisticated network of waterways, ports, and intermodal connections that facilitates the movement of people and goods on the water and supports recreational use by the public. The MTS is a highly complex system of systems where many types of facilities, vessels, barges, and infrastructure components operate every day to ensure safe and efficient maritime commerce. It is a vital part of the U.S. economy, generating 13 million jobs and contributing $649 billion to the U.S. Gross Domestic Product.
The MTS is a key component to the national economy and supply chain. However, because it is heavily reliant on interlocking networks with stakeholders at all levels of government and industry, disruptions to operations can severely impact the supply chain and U.S. economic health. The United States Coast Guard’s (USCG) mission in the cyber domain is to protect this multifaceted system to ensure safe and free navigation of U.S. waterways by protecting navigation infrastructure through the development of new cyber capabilities.
The purpose of this Commercial Port Informational and Operational Technology (C-PILOT) Request for Information (RFI) is to identify potential commercial port stakeholders who would allow for a more in-depth review of their Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) systems.
The goal of this study is to test vulnerabilities that may exist in commercial port operations, communications, IT and OT systems. The information participants provide will help to create virtual representations of common port systems within a virtual “testbed.” Researchers will then test functionality of this virtual port and identify exploitable gaps in these systems, with the intention of creating ways to mitigate and eventually close these vulnerabilities.
Participant’s input will assist with the development of an effective testbed DHS can leverage to reduce vulnerabilities in ports across the United States, evaluate the effectiveness of current protections/mitigations, and harden the maritime port infrastructure against cyber intrusions and disruptions.
We request that submissions to this RFI come from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that work for or support the Maritime Port infrastructure space. Additionally, we are looking for submissions from SMEs in the port equipment production space.